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    Hearts In Harmony Sheet Music

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    The collaboration between Steve Hall and Mary Beth Carlson produced beautiful music. Now you can play the beautiful title song from Steve' latest CD, written by Steve and Mary Beth by ordering the sheet music. Especially arranged, the music now comes alive for you. Be sure and add this to your own collection and repertoire.


    "After listening to your beautiful Hearts in Harmony CD, I feel moved to express my thoughts to you personally. My mother had already given it rave reviews, as it is her CD. Then I listened to it. What a serene, fulfilled “all is right with the world” feeling it gave me. If I had to pick a favorite, wheich isn’t easy since all the songs are lovely, I would probably choose “Reverie/Rhapsody On A Theme of Paganini”. Also, I love the picture of you and Mary Beth on the back of the CD. She looks radiant with her heavenly smile and you appear to be a gentle, friendly, spiritual man. Thanks to both you and Mary Beth for making such wonderful music which lifts the cares of the world from my mind while I listen to it "
    Janet S., Cherry Hill, New Jersey

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